Spina bifida is the most commonly occuring complex birth defect in this country and affects over 180,000 Americans. The total average lifetime health costs for an infant born with Spina bifida can exceed $1,000,000.00.

Quoted from a letter recieved from Mr. & Mrs. David Wilson that Snow Shadow Gymnastics Wishes to share. "Vincent was born in 2007 with Spina bifida. He has been a true blessing to us. We are very happy to report that he is doing great! Every year we participate with the Walk-N-Roll event in Denver, CO to help raise money for awareness and support of Spina bifida. I am happy to say this will be the first year Vincent will be able to walk for the event. This event is a great opportunity for us to meet families and make new friends whose lives are also touched by Spina bifida.

This year we are hoping to raise $700.00 to support programs and services for those with Spina bifida. You can make a difference by joining our team and walking with us, or by donating to help us reach our goal. I would love to have you join me- either in person or in spirit through your donation. I am asking each of my friends to consider a tax deductable donation to help support our efforts. Donations can be made via check made out to the: Spina Bifida Asscociation and mailed to us.

Wilson Family
347 6403 Road
Montrose, Colorado 81403
Thanks in advance for your support!
David, Karen, Vincent and Korbin Wilson