
"Faith without Work does Nothing"

  My son Derick was diagnoised with Autisum when he was two and a half years old. Derick was lacking life-skills in several developmental areas. He was not able to jump with both feet off the ground. He was never able to control his own balance. Derick was not able to recieve alot of therapy due to the limit of visits that were allowed by his insurance company. I had to think of creative activities that were within my budget. I am also a childcare provider and wanted to offer something different to the other children as well. When Derick started gymnastics he would not take much direction for the first few classes and wandered around the gym. Coach Kirk assured me that his wondering was acceptable in Derick's circumstance and that Derick was using it as a way of exploring. Coach also informed me that Derick would eventually join the others when he finds his comfort level and not when we think it should be. When Derick started to see what the other children were doing he started to join in with the other kids. Derick would seperate from the other children on occasions and then slowly re-join. Derick started working on the balance beams. He could not walk one foot at a time in front of the other. Derick would make up his own version on how to walk the balance beam. Derick was affraid of jumping on the large trampoline.

Derick is going on his 3rd year of gymnastics with Coach Kirk. He can now complete each balance beam and jump from the highest beam allowed for his safety landing on both feet. Derick has built his physical strength up and more confidence in his own body and what he is able to do. Derick loves to see Coach Kirk every week and participates more with the group. This past year we took part in an "Autisum Awareness Walk" that involved several families and members of the community that are involved in some way with Autisum. Coach Kirk volunteered with his gymnastics team and assisted those that needed help. Snow Shadow Gymnastics is by far one of the best things that has come into our lives and this community. Coach was the only gymnastics organization in Montrose, CO that offered the support with my son who has a disibility. Coach shows compassion a loyalty and comitment to all the children that he teaches. We as parents thank him for the work that he does and my son is greatful in his own way.

I support Coach Kirk in his efforts to expand and improve the lives of others and his ideals for the "Olympic Dream".

Candice Coca